
Use it or Lose it – Returning to Functionality

Use it or Lose it: Return to functionality

Functional Habits

Our life is all about habits. The little things we spend our time doing define us in a big way: our health, happiness, and appearance. The longer we navigate through life with a set of habits, it becomes increasingly difficult to change them. That’s why it’s so important to bring awareness to the habits that make up our larger lifestyle patterns, and make sure we are focusing on activities that support our goals and functionality.

Lacking the functional habits you need to feel and look amazing?

The good news is, it’s never too late to get started on implementing new habits to help improve your overall function! While it may seem difficult to re-train your mind to prioritize healthy habits, shifting your attention to these lifestyle changes can dramatically improve your quality of life. When I began my health journey about five years ago, I was over 240lbs, and the idea of seeing the changes I knew I needed was daunting. Through my transition from overweight to healthy, I found a passion for fitness, but that passion didn’t manifest overnight. I’m now dedicated to helping others take back control of their bodies and live with energy, vitality, confidence, and optimal functionality. 


The first step: remember your why

Do you really want to go for a fifteen minute run every day? Maybe not. But I’m guessing you probably do want to lower your risk of heart problems, enhance your mood and quality of sleep, slim down your figure, and increase your lifespan. Rather than focusing on the task at hand, remember the inspiration behind it. Replace thoughts like oh no, I’m so tired, running sounds terrible right now, with thoughts such as imagine how much better I’ll feel after my run! 

If you’re having trouble getting started, start small! Something as simple as walking a few times a week has countless health benefits, such as improving memory function, reducing the risk of strokes, and maintaining joint health. Begin with an activity that seems fun or relaxing, such as a bicycle ride along a pretty trail. Through consistency in these practices, we can “hack” our minds into prioritizing movement and functionality in our daily life. 


Focus on the basics of Functionality

The four main movement patterns are Push, Pull, Squat, and Lunge. Studies show that one’s ability to perform these moments is a prediction to their life expectancy. 

As we grow and develop as young children, we naturally learn how to implement these movements. These patterns are used in daily life, and are often the focus of conditioning exercises in the gym as a result. Working out is not just for people who want to lose weight or build muscle- it’s for everyone. The earlier in life you shift your attention towards implementing healthy, functional habits, the longer and better your life will be. 


Make sure your goals are achievable

This is another facet of functional habit building. If we set goals that are too lofty in the beginning, it is easy to admit defeat. It’s also difficult to find the inspiration to keep going. Begin by setting goals that you will accomplish easily. If you want to run a marathon, don’t be afraid to start by walking a mile. Noticing small improvements in strength, stamina, and endurance can be very encouraging. The brain is more likely to hang onto habits that are noticeably bringing improvement. Track your progress and remember that no advancement is too small to celebrate. 


Keep going!

It can take a while to fully shift your lifestyle to the one you’re envisioning. Don’t give up, even when the results are slower than you like. Everyone’s progress looks different. Working with a personal trainer or nutritionist is a great way to stay motivated and hold yourself accountable. If you keep focusing on building these healthy habits, eventually you will look back and be amazed there was ever a time in your life when you didn’t have them. 


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