The #7 strategies for you to stay active as we age gracefully


As we age, it’s important to stay active so that we can lead healthy and productive lives.

And while that might sound easy enough, most people have a hard time making time for exercise in their busy schedules. But it’s worth it—and not just because staying active as we age is good for our bodies. Studies show that being active can reduce your risk of developing diseases. Specific ones like diabetes, heart disease and osteoporosis (to name just a few!). So if you’re looking for motivation to get up off the couch more often, read on!

Benefits of staying active throughout life

As we age gracefully, it’s important to remain active. In fact, staying physically and mentally active has been shown to improve overall quality of life for older adults.

You can make simple changes in your daily routine that will get you moving more often: walk around the block when taking out the trash or mail; park farther away from entrances and use stairs instead of escalators; join an intramural league at work or church (or start one!). If none of these options appeal to you, try taking up new hobbies. These can include gardening or painting–you’ll be surprised how quickly they become habit-forming!


Staying Active Tip 1:

Strengthen your muscles.

The first step to staying active as we age is to strengthen our muscles. Working the full range of motion of each muscle group will help you prevent injuries. Once you obtain full range of motion, practice on keeping it. You can use weights, bands, or body weight exercises to strengthen your muscles.

Here are some examples:

-Pushups, lunges and squats: These moves increase strength in your arms, legs and core. If you have trouble doing these exercises on your own, use a chair or bench to help boost yourself up.

-Planks: This exercise works the muscles in your abdomen and lower back, which are often neglected during other workouts.


Staying Active Tip 2:

Move your joints through their full range of motion.

  • Flexibility is an important part of staying active as we age. It’s also the easiest to neglect. This is because you don’t have to do anything specific in order for your muscles and joints to become more flexible. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t important! If a muscle or joint doesn’t get used enough, it becomes stiff. They also become less able to move through its full range of motion. And when this happens, our bodies will try their best at compensating for the lack of flexibility. They will do so by adapting other muscles around those joints–often resulting in imbalances over time (not good).
  • In order to prevent this from happening (and thus avoiding injury), make sure you’re stretching regularly. Do this especially before workouts so that your body has time warm up properly before pushing itself hard during exercise sessions. Do it afterward so that everything cools down properly after intense activity. And be sure to do it throughout the day whenever possible just because moving around. This helps keep blood flowing throughout all parts of our bodies which improves circulation overall health as well as mood levels too!


Staying Active Tip 3:

Plan for pacing and recovery.

  • Plan for pacing and recovery.

As you age, it’s important to recognize that your body needs time for rest and recovery. When planning an exercise routine, include some days in which you’ll take it easy. A quick day on the cardio machines or maybe you’ll skip strength training altogether. And don’t forget about sleep! Getting enough shut-eye will help keep aches and pains at bay. Sleep can even boost energy levels by as much as 20%.

In addition to taking care of yourself, it’s important to set realistic goals. If you’re new to exercise, don’t try to tackle a marathon on the first day. Work up slowly from walking around the block several times a week to jogging for 20 minutes and then increasing speed.


Staying Active Tip 4:

Stay hydrated.

  • Stay hydrated.

When we age, the body becomes less efficient at processing fluids and can’t regulate temperature as well. As a result, you are likely to sweat more in hot weather or when exercising. So staying hydrated is key to keeping your body in good shape! The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends drinking at least eight glasses of water per day for proper fluid balance. However, if you’re sweating heavily due to exercise or heat exposure then it may be best to drink more than this amount throughout the day.

Drinking plenty of water will also help prevent dehydration which itself can lead to dizziness or fainting spells after prolonged periods without sufficient hydration

It’s also important to keep in mind that drinking water doesn’t necessarily mean you are hydrating. If you drink sugary beverages or alcohol, for example, these will not contribute to adequate hydration levels. This could also lead to dehydration due to their diuretic effects (sugar causes the body to lose more fluids than it takes in).


Staying Active Tip 5:

Eat protein-rich foods at every meal.

A good source of protein can help you feel full longer, maintain healthy skin and hair, and even help you lose weight. Protein helps build muscle mass so it’s important to eat a little bit at every meal.

If you’re having trouble finding high-protein foods that don’t taste like cardboard or are too expensive to buy regularly (like meat), try looking for snacks that have around 10 grams or more per serving. Some examples include:

  • Nuts and nut butters (almonds, peanuts)
  • Seeds (sunflower seeds)
  • Yogurt
  • Cheese (cheddar cheese sticks)

Nuts and nut butters are a great way to add protein to your diet. They’re also high in healthy fats, which can help you feel full longer. Just be sure not to overdo it on the nuts because they’re high in calories too.


Staying Active Tip 6:

Eat nutrient-rich foods from all the food groups.

It’s important to eat a balanced diet that includes foods from all the food groups. A healthy, well-rounded diet will help you get all the nutrients you need. You should aim for at least five servings of fruits and vegetables each day, as well as three servings each of whole grains and protein (like beans or nuts). Healthy fats like olive oil are also important for heart health and brain function as we age.

If you’re concerned about your weight, try to eat a healthy diet and get regular physical activity. A healthy diet can help you manage your weight and reduce your risk of heart disease, diabetes and other health problems.

The best diet is one that meets your health needs and fits your lifestyle. If you’re not sure where to start, talk with your doctor or a dietitian about what type of healthy eating plan may be right for you.


Staying Active Tip 7:

Use technology or a fitness professional to help you stick with an exercise program.

The last strategy for staying active as we age gracefully is to use technology or a fitness professional to help you stick with an exercise program. There are several online membership sites that can be used for accountability and motivation, but in some cases it may be best to work with a personal trainer who can provide extra support in your quest for better health.

In addition to the above tips, there are many other things that you can do now (and later) so that you continue feeling good about yourself as time goes on!


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Staying Active As We Age

As we age, we need to keep moving in order to stay healthy and strong, but you don’t have to do it all at once!

The best way to start is by taking small steps towards your goals. You can begin with simple exercises like walking, stretching and dancing. If these aren’t enough of a challenge for you yet then try using technology such as Fitbit or Apple Watch that tracks your progress so that you can see where improvements are needed.

If exercise isn’t something you’re interested in doing alone there are plenty of options available such as joining a group fitness class at the gym or local recreation center which will help keep things fun while still being active together as friends/family members (or maybe even meet someone new!).

In conclusion, aging gracefully is all about staying active.

The best way to do this is by making small changes in your lifestyle and finding ways to make exercise more convenient for yourself. You don’t need to hit the gym every day or run a marathon–just get up from your desk every hour or so and move around!

If accountability is what you need to get started check out our membership site OR reach out to me directly at and we can set up a plan custom made for your needs!


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