
Motivation: Great place to Start, Not a Long Term Solution



We all need motivation to get us out of bed in the morning, but it shouldn’t be your only source of energy. Motivation doesn’t last forever and can sometimes cause more harm than good if you’re not careful. I’ve found that finding a balance between motivation and focus is ideal for achieving long-term goals.

The Benefits of Motivation

Motivation is temporary and fleeting. It comes and goes as you move through life–motivated one day and unmotivated the next. Motivation can help you get started on something new or change your habits in some way, but motivation alone won’t keep you going over time unless there’s some sort of structure behind it (habits).

How To Get Out Of The Motivation Trap

How To Get Out Of The Motivation Trap

Motivation is a great starting point, but it’s not a long term solution. If you want to make lasting change in your life, you need to stop relying on motivation and start using discipline instead. Here are some tips for getting out of the motivation trap:

  • Start small by making one change at a time. Don’t try to tackle everything at once! Focus on one goal or habit at a time and build from there until you have all of them in place. This way, if something doesn’t work out as planned (and it probably won’t), then there will be less damage done overall because only one thing failed instead of two or three things failing simultaneously due to lack of planning/preparation ahead of time.*
  • Set realistic goals that match up with who YOU are right now rather than who someone else wants YOU TO BE (which may not even exist anyways). For example: “I’m going backpacking through Europe next year” vs “I want lose 20 pounds before my high school reunion next summer.” These types of statements usually come down hard upon themselves because they’re often unrealistic since no one knows what might happen between now & then including ourselves!

Use Motivation as a Starting Point

However, you must make it a habit to form new habits that will lead you down the right path.

Motivation is fleeting. It’s hard to maintain and can sometimes be a short-term solution. Habits, on the other hand, are long-lasting and sustainable.

If you want to make changes in your life, it’s important to understand how motivation works. You don’t want to find yourself stuck relying on it as a long term solution for achieving your goals. Motivation is fleeting because our brains are designed for instant gratification. If we don’t get what we want immediately then we tend not to keep trying (think about how many times you’ve failed at sticking with an exercise routine). On top of this issue with motivation being temporary, there’s also another problem. Most people deal with an internal struggle between their rational mind (the part that knows they should do something) vs their emotional mind (the part that feels excited by the idea of doing something). This internal conflict makes it hard for us as humans beings. Even though logically speaking we know what would be best for ourselves emotionally speaking often wins out over logic!


Routines make life easier

Routines are a great way to build good habits, but they can also be used as an excuse not to try new things. The goal of a routine is not to be rigid and set in stone, but rather flexible enough that when you have time for something new, you can still make it happen.

Routines help us get through life more easily by eliminating unnecessary decisions and reducing stress. They give us confidence because we know what’s coming next. This allows us more mental energy for other important tasks like planning out our days or going out with friends at night! If we want our lives filled with positive experiences (like happiness), then having routines will help us reach those goals faster versus having no structure at all!

Discipline is a long term solution

Discipline is a long term solution. It’s not something you can do for a few days or weeks and then stop, like motivation. Discipline is a way of life and it takes time to develop habits that will help you achieve your goals.

There are many different types of discipline, but they all have one thing in common: they require self-control over your actions or behaviors. For example, if someone has good eating habits then they know how much food they should eat at each meal based on their activity level (how many calories did I burn today?) rather than just eating whatever tastes good at any given moment.[1]

Build a Routine around your Habits

The best way to get what you want is by building a routine around your goals.

Routines are easier to stick to than goals. They give us something concrete and measurable, which makes them more likely to be successful in the long run. They also help us form habits that can last for years or even decades. Think about how many people have been brushing their teeth every day since childhood!

Building a routine around your goal is important because it gives you a sense of purpose. That’s important when working towards something big and ambitious. Rather than just having an empty goal floating around in your head. This means that even if something goes wrong along the way (and things will go wrong), there will still be structure keeping things on track. Therefore, everything turns out fine!

Now Go out and get started!!

So now that you know what motivation is, what it isn’t, and how to use it in your favor. It’s time to get started!


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