
Rise to Your Potential & Be a Change Maker

Ignite Your change with Spite Fitness

Are you missing that spark, that ignition of willpower that turns ambitions into reality? Have your health and fitness goals felt just out of reach? Well, brace yourself —because you’re about to flick the switch!

Welcome to Spite Fitness — a place where transformations are not just expected, they’re celebrated! Spite Fitness is not just about cutting inches or piling on muscle mass (although we help with those too!); we are about fostering sustainable habits that manifest into a holistic, healthier, and happier YOU.

Our Brand-New Workout and Habit-Building Program

At Spite Fitness, we believe in nurturing the whole person. That’s why we have carefully curated our brand-new workout and habit-building program. Yes, it promises a calorie-busting, heart-boosting workout that’ll challenge your limits. Still, beyond that, it offers something far more powerful — the ability to craft a healthier lifestyle, one habit at a time.

We modeled this program with a simple yet transformative motive — to help you align daily habits with your ultimate health and wellness goals. Whether it’s increasing your energy, sleeping better, or simply feeling confident in your skin — we are here to facilitate your journey. We will guide you, support you, and encourage you—every step, sweat, and smile of the way.

What’s included?

The program offers:

  • Killer workout routines inspired by cutting-edge fitness research.

  • Delicious, healthy recipes tailored to fuel your body and support your training.

  • Shopping lists and meal plans to take the guess work out around meal time and save your precious time each week
  • Empowering mental tools and techniques for building habits that enhance your wellbeing.

  • A welcoming community of fellow fitness enthusiasts supporting each other and celebrating each other’s wins.

Are you ready to rise?

Dive in! Sign up for our workout and habit-building program. Seize the opportunity to transform not just your physique, but your entire life.

Embark on this journey with Spite Fitness as your guide. Bravely say, “I’m ready to rise to my potential!” Because at Spite Fitness, you’re not just conquering workouts; you’re conquering life one healthy habit at a time.

Nothing hits harder than regret — so don’t wait! Don’t just aspire; achieve. Don’t just dream; become.

So, are you with us? The choice is yours, the time is now, and your favorite version of yourself is just around the corner. Let’s grow, together! 🚀💪

Ryan Nolan - Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach

🌟✨Sandra’s Stirring Transformation:

A Journey of Triumph and Self-Love✨🌟

Once upon a time, Sandra was like many of us — caught in the whirlwind of life, juggling responsibilities, and letting her health and well-being slip through the cracks. But with a milestone 20-year high school reunion on the horizon, she decided to rewrite her narrative. She had her WHY – the burning desire to recreate the confident, charismatic, and energetic version of herself from her high school days.

Embracing this WHY, Sandra jumped headfirst into our LIFT & LIVE Program, setting a gutsy aim — to shed the stubborn 20lbs that weighed her down, physically and emotionally.

As she embarked on this transformative journey, the benefits began to manifest promptly. Our personalized nutrition plans and invigorating workout routines fueled her resilience and vitality. There were challenging days, no doubt. But every time surrender seemed like an option, her WHY rekindled the flame within, reigniting her determination.

The power of her resolve began to manifest on the scales too. Sandra didn’t just hit her goal – she crushed it! She lost an impressive 22lbs, just in the nick of time for her high school reunion. As she stepped into that room, all eyes were drawn to her radiant confidence. She was the star of the evening, embodying the spirited effervescence of her high school self.

But the best part? This remarkable journey isn’t a closed chapter for Sandra. Instead, it’s become her new way of life. Basking in the sweet taste of her success, she’s set her eyes on more fitness milestones in the coming year.

Sandra’s stirring story could be yours too. Visualize dazzling at the next big event, radiating confidence that turns heads. Imagine having the energy to keep up with your kids, leading a more efficient work life, or adopting a healthier lifestyle. Think about the profound impact on your self-esteem as you not just reach your weight targets, but also rejuvenate your relationships.

This isn’t simply about chasing fitness goals; it’s about an all-encompassing transformation that sparkles in every aspect of your life.

Are you ready to author your transformation story like Sandra did? Begin your wellness journey with us, revitalize your lifestyle, empower yourself and sculpt a I healthier, happier future. Dare to desire more for yourself, you absolutely deserve it. And guess what? We are here, every step of the way, to help you claim it!

Now, let’s get started. Because the new, favorite version of YOU is ready to rise! 💪🌟

Ryan Nolan - Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach

“One-derland baby! First time under 200 since before covid. I finally feel like I’m in control of my choices and life. Ryan and Spite fitness is 100% the reason why. He made it easy by focusing on one thing at a time, adding water, then walking, then tracking food, then following macros. I was never overwhelmed and always felt like it was achieveable.”

Ryan Nolan - Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach

Theresa’s Wellness Revolution: A Story of Courage and Change

Let’s hit the rewind button and revisit when Theresa initially approached us. She was a regular smoker, not in love with her body, and lacked the power to execute even a single squat without added support. Longing for a drastic lifestyle metamorphosis, but feeling clueless about the initiation, Theresa trusted her instincts and joined our LIFT & LIVE Program, which promised her a platform to launch her wellness revolution.

Our approachable, non-judgmental, and supportive personal coach, Ryan collaborated with Theresa, weaving a personalized fitness and nutrition strategy that was destined to steadily and efficiently catapult her towards her aspirations.

Fast-forward to now, and Theresa’s transformation has exceeded her own wildest expectations. She effortlessly deadlifts a remarkable 135 lbs and achieves weighted squats with a formidable 50 lb kettlebell. But her triumphs reach beyond physical prowess. Theresa has bid farewell to her smoking habit, swapped her dietary patterns for healthier choices, and taken the reins of a wholesome lifestyle.

In Theresa’s words, she now feels more comfortable in her own skin’ than any other time in her life. 

Theresa’s story isn’t here merely for applause – it’s a testament to the boundless potential that could be your story. Like her, you too can unshackle from the clench of unhealthy patterns that have been hindering your progress. Picture the triumph of smashing personal records, living smoke-free, nourishing yourself with wholesome foods, and, above all, feeling exuberant and beautiful in your own skin.

Imagine the encouragement of knowing that a dedicated wellness navigator  is right there with you, ready to uplift, inspire, and guide you through each milestone of your transformation. This isn’t just about losing a few pounds or gaining stamina – it’s about rediscovering the essence of your health, your joy, and unlocking your unrealized potential.

Are you ready to chart a similar journey as Theresa? To savor the delight of a holistic lifestyle and the exhilaration of shattering your personal bests every single day? Arise and embrace the change that you dream of. It’s all within arm’s length — all that’s needed is the initial courageous step towards your wellness rebirth. Let’s set the wheels in motion today.

your awe-inspiring story is waiting to unfold! 💪🌈

Ryan Nolan - Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach

“When I first started working with Ryan, I was smoking cigarettes regularly, unhappy with my body, and could not do a single squat without a box! Now I am deadlifting at least 135 lbs, I do weighted squats with 50 lb kettlebells, have quit smoking (!!!), eat more healthily, and am feeling better in my own skin than I have ever in my life. Ryan’s approach to personal training is firmly motivational, without being judgmental or aggressive. I am so grateful to have him as part of my wellness team, and am excited to see what the future brings!”

LIFT & LIVE Program


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🌟 Transform Your Life: One Year Coaching Odyssey

Hey there, brave soul! Ready to embark on a journey that’s going to redefine the way you see yourself, not just in the mirror but deep down in your core? This isn’t about quick fixes or magic pills. This is about you, taking charge and making changes that stick. Welcome to our One Year Coaching Program, where we don’t just dream about transformation — we make it happen.

Mindset, Habit Rebuilding, Practical Execution. These aren’t just buzzwords; they’re the pillars upon which your new life will be built.

Let me tell you a story. Imagine standing at the foot of a mountain, looking up at the peak. That’s where you want to be, but it seems so far, right? That’s where mindset kicks in. We start by shifting your focus from the daunting path ahead to the strength within you. Because you, my friend, have untapped potential just waiting to be unleashed.

Next up, habit rebuilding. You’ve got routines; we all do. But are they serving you? Together, we’re going to take a sledgehammer to those old patterns and rebuild from the ground up. Fitness and nutrition aren’t just about reps and calories; they’re about creating a lifestyle that fuels not just your body, but your soul.

Finally, practical execution. Knowing what to do isn’t the same as doing it. We’ll arm you with skills, strategies, and real-life techniques to turn your knowledge into action. This is where the rubber meets the road, and where true transformation happens.

Our team? Think of us as your personal board of advisors, your cheerleaders, and sometimes, your friendly drill sergeants. We’re here for the highs, the lows, and everything in between. Because this journey? It’s not a straight line. There will be obstacles, setbacks, and days when the couch feels like the only option. That’s life. But guess what? You’ll never be alone.

This is a one-year commitment, not to us, but to yourself. It demands a willingness to change, to face fears, and to step out of that comfort zone. But if you’re ready to work, to grow, and to truly transform, we’re ready to make it happen, together.

So, what do you say? Are you in? Because on the other side of this year is a version of you that’s stronger, healthier, and unstoppable. And trust me, you’re going to love meeting them.

Change starts now. Let’s do this. 💪🔥

Discover Our Unique Approach: The Difference Lies Here

We are truly excited about your interest in our LIFT & LIVE PROGRAM. We understand each journey is personal and unique, hence we have carefully designed our program to address varying needs and life scenarios. Let’s discover what sets us apart, and how we strive to make this journey comfortable, enjoyable, and successful for you.

Comprehensive LIFT Workout Program at Home 🏠💪

Discover fitness like never before with our exclusive low-impact program that develops strength, balance, stability, and mobility. Suitable for all fitness levels, we aim to ensure holistic health benefits from the comfort of your home.

Three Unique Recipe Books 🎁

Embrace a diverse and enthralling food journey with our 120 delicious, healthy recipes spread across three unique books. Be prepared to tantalize your taste buds while giving your body the proper nourishment it requires.

Tailored Meal Plans 📆

Do away with meal planning worries! Our well-crafted meal plans in every recipe book mean you enjoy a diversified cuisine range while maintaining a balanced diet.

Stress-free Grocery Shopping Experience 🛒📝

Your grocery shopping is now more straightforward and stress-free than ever, thanks to our detailed, easy-to-follow shopping lists matched with every recipe book.

Macros Integration with MyFitnessPal 📲📊

Ease the pathway to accuracy in your nutrition tracking. All our recipes come integrated with detailed macros and scan codes for MyFitnessPal, so keeping up with your nutrition goals is simple and efficient.

With our unique approach and the bevy of personalized support we provide, you’re poised for an exciting transformation. Get ready to feel healthier, happier, and more confident in 4 weeks. Start your journey to attain a sustainable, more fulfilling lifestyle with us, starting today.

My Transformation. My Inspiration. Your Journey.

The essence of Spite Fitness seeds from my own personal story – a transformative journey where I lost an astounding 100 lbs before stepping into the empowering role of a coach.

This journey wasn’t just about shedding excess weight, but it was about claiming control, embracing self-love, and forging a bond of commitment with my health. I’ve been there, walking the path you’re about to embark on, witnessing the highs and lows firsthand.

Hence, I truly comprehend not just the process, but the emotions entwined with it. It’s this experiential knowledge that fuels our Lift & Live program.

Designed from a place of empathy, wisdom, and celebrated victory, this is just as much a personal triumph as it’s a blueprint for your success story.

Remember, this isn’t about mirroring another’s journey, but exploring your unique path, inspired by a tale that’s been lived. Let’s start this journey … TOGETHER. Today, we’re not just creating fitness journeys; we’re reinventing lives, yours included. Let’s go! 💪🚀🌟

Our Commitment to You: The 30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee

Your trust means the world to us and we’re committed to kickstart your health and wellness journey with absolute confidence. To demonstrate this, we’ve established our 30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee.

Here’s how this works:

💼 Start using our LIFT & LIVE PROGRAM for a full 30 days. Immerse yourself in our fitness routines, savor the meals we’ve curated for you, and feel the change unfolding.

🔄 If our program doesn’t meet your expectations for any reason within these 30 days, don’t hesitate to let us know. Your feedback is invaluable as it helps us enhance our offerings and deliver better experiences.

🔄 As a team devoted to your wellness goals, your satisfaction comes first for us. If despite giving your all to the program, you’re not completely content with the results, we’ll ensure a complete refund of the program cost.

You can confidently invest in your well-being, with our 30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee backing you up. Remember, the journey towards becoming a healthier, happier you begins today. And we’re here, ready and excited, to support you every step of the way!


Ben P.

“Ryan really helped keep me active during the pandemic. Breaking up my home office routine with HIT workouts, stretching, and inspiring healthy lifestyle advice. It was clutch for keeping me mentally and physically on my game.”

Amanda M.

“Ryan really knows his stuff when it comes to exercise, nutrition, and whole body fitness. His group workout classes are encouraging and inclusive for any level of fitness. Wherever you happen to be on your fitness journey, he can help you with a plan to achieve your personal fitness goals.”

“One-derland baby! First time under 200 since before covid. I finally feel like I’m in control of my choices and life. Ryan and Spite fitness is 100% the reason why. He made it easy by focusing on one thing at a time, adding water, then walking, then tracking food, then following macros. I was never overwhelmed and always felt like it was achieveable.”

Sandra O.

“I have been training with Ryan for a couple months now, and the experience has been fantastic. I’m seeing results and I’m pushed farther every session, I feel safe and cared for. This has been a great experience for me coming in with absolutely no work out experience. I’m challenged, pushed and encouraged all while being taught about all the facets of health from diet to exercise and all the things in between. I really just want to give credit to a human that has absolutely changed my life.”

Tony P.

“When I first started working with Ryan, I was smoking cigarettes regularly, unhappy with my body, and could not do a single squat without a box! Now I am deadlifting at least 135 lbs, I do weighted squats with 50 lb kettlebells, have quit smoking (!!!), eat more healthily, and am feeling better in my own skin than I have ever in my life. Ryan’s approach to personal training is firmly motivational, without being judgmental or aggressive. I am so grateful to have him as part of my wellness team, and am excited to see what the future brings!”

Theresa D.

Ryan is a superlative trainer – everything you might want, and more!  He is knowledgeable about the body, and he puts that knowledge to work to support challenging and safe strength building.  He watches very closely, recognizes the smallest “stresses,” and makes corrective suggestions that support maximum results while avoiding injury.  I trust him completely, and can’t recommend him highly enough!”

Jacki B.

I started working with Ryan Nolan, creating a workout and diet plan that was tailored for me that I’ve been sticking to over the past 1 1/2 months. Just being aware of what I’m consuming has really helped. I haven’t cut out things that I want, instead, I’m using portion control to cut out the calories I don’t need, and using awareness to limit what I snack on.

I’m now down 68 lbs, and I’m feeling good about it. It’s pretty amazing to think that I’m within 40 pounds of my current goal, and it actually feels attainable.

Monk G.

As a chiropractor I highly recommend Ryan as a personal trainer. There are not enough trainers who understand training after coming off an injury. He takes the time to assess and understand where you are physically. He is also extremely knowledgeable when it comes to diet and nutrition. On a personal note, I appreciate how much he keeps me in check and challenges me every week. He is the support I need to keep achieving my person health goals.

Andrea F.

Ryan is a great personal trainer. He takes you through simple and effective full-body workouts that can be continued at home without the use of expensive gym equipment while explaining in down-to-earth terms the goals of each exercise. He helps locate your weak points and develop a plan to increase your overall body mobility and function. He’s easygoing, professional, and extremely knowledgeable with loads of personal experience to learn from.

Becky I.

Spite Fitness has been such a pleasure to work with! He meets you where you are and works within your limits, while also pushing you to do your very best. I had concerns as someone who’s endured fitness injuries in the past, but with him I was always treated with respect and trusted that I was in very good hands. Not to mention the workouts are EFFECTIVE – I felt stronger after the first week. 11/10 definitely recommend 😁👍👍.

Cassidy W.

“Ryan has a great setup with everything you need to get your fitness journey started. I have been lifting for years and only recently started working with him. I’ve learned so much about how technique and intensity can help me reach my goals quicker, and so far it shows. We’re still working on my eating habits but at least I have all the tools, support and info to get started. Highly recommend Spite Fitness, he has a hell of a fitness journey himself.”

Rachel G.

When I first reached out to Ryan around late December 2021, I was hesistant to go through with the idea of having a personal trainer. I reluctantly reached out to him one evening and he responded within minutes, and before I knew it I had my trial session set up. Ive been continuing to work with him since. He has been extremely helpful in targeting my lower back injury in a cautious and thoughtful way, and my 3 months working with him has drastically improved the health of my lower back, while also continuing to work on my overall physical health. I highly recommend reaching out to him if you’re in need of a trainer.

Connor C.