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create the life that you want to live

With an online community of like-minded people just like you who want to live for their future.

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Effortless | Customizable | Achievable


Embarking on a new fitness journey can be daunting, but Spite Fitness is here to simplify the process.
Receive curated meal plans, ongoing fitness coaching, and more to help you create a healthier lifestyle and body everyone loves to look at you’re proud of.

Effortless Meal Plans: Savor delicious, nutrient-dense meals expertly curated to keep you on track without sacrificing taste.

Customized Recipe Books & Nutrition Packs: Catering to everyone, from vegetarians to keto followers, our diverse recipe resources have got everyone covered.

Flexible Exercise Programs: Professional “at home” and “in gym” exercise programs designed for all fitness levels.

digital mockup of Spite Fitness and what is included

Interactive | Engaging | Tailored

Digital mockup of two different programs offer by Spite Fitness

Weekly Live Coaching and Q/A Sessions: You’re not alone on this journey. Our certified trainers and nutritionists provide weekly live coaching sessions where they address your doubts, provide motivation, and guide you towards your fitness goals.

Monthly Group Challenges for Extra Motivation: Participate in stimulating monthly challenges that keep you motivated and help you excel on your fitness path.

An entire community of people at all levels, on the same journey: Harness the power of collective motivation. Find support, inspiration, and a sense of belonging in our vibrant community of fitness enthsiasts.

Ryan Nolan

I get what it feels like to be unhappy with what you see in the mirror. To be self-conscious when you’re out of breath after playing a sport or hanging out with your kids. I get what it’s like to want more for yourself and your life.

When I started my journey, I had no idea how to make the transformation I was after. I just knew I didn’t want to eat like a rabbit or hate every minute of going to the gym. But when my wife got pregnant, I knew I’d have to find a way because I wanted to be a healthy and active dad.

As I committed to this journey, I learned that it’s more than eating right and thinking positively. It’s learning how to tackle emotional eating. It’s understanding why we don’t feel like going to the gym. It’s fitting in workout session between work or school, family obligations, and a social life.

It’s about being realistic with what you can expect from yourself so you can be consistent in your commitment and find consistency in your results. And that’s what Spite Fitness is all about. Helping you create a consistently healthy future – one you love and can maintain.

before and after images of Ryan Nolan


“Ryan really helped keep me active during the pandemic. Breaking up my home office routine with HIIT workouts, stretching, and inspiring healthy lifestyle advice. It was cluctch for keeping me mentally and physically on my game.”


“Ryan really knows his stuff when it comes to exercise, nutrition, and whole body fitness. His group workout classes are encouraging and inclusive for any level of fitness. Wherever you happen to be on your fitness journey, he can help you with a plan to achieve your personal fitness goals.”


Get Started Today!


• Meals Plans

• Recipe Books & Nutrition Packs (for any diet)

• Shopping Lists

• Exercise Programs for at home or in the gym

• Weekly Live Coaching and Q/A Sessions

• Monthly Group Challenges (to keep you on track)

• An entire community of people all on the same journey



• Meals Plans

• Recipe Books & Nutrition Packs (for any diet)

• Shopping Lists

• Exercise Programs for at home or in the gym

• Weekly Live Coaching and Q/A Sessions

• Monthly Group Challenges (to keep you on track)

• An entire community of people all on the same journey


100% Money Back Guarantee


“One-derland baby! First time under 200 since before covid. I finally feel like I’m in control of my choices and life. Ryan and Spite fitness is 100% the reason why. He made it easy by focusing on one thing at a time, adding water, then walking, then tracking food, then following macros. I was never overwhelmed and always felt like it was achieveable.”

Sandra O.

Ryan is a superlative trainer – everything you might want, and more!  He is knowledgeable about the body, and he puts that knowledge to work to support challenging and safe strength building.  He watches very closely, recognizes the smallest “stresses,” and makes corrective suggestions that support maximum results while avoiding injury.  I trust him completely, and can’t recommend him highly enough!”

Jacki B.

“When I first started working with Ryan, I was smoking cigarettes regularly, unhappy with my body, and could not do a single squat without a box! Now I am deadlifting at least 135 lbs, I do weighted squats with 50 lb kettlebells, have quit smoking (!!!), eat more healthily, and am feeling better in my own skin than I have ever in my life. Ryan’s approach to personal training is firmly motivational, without being judgmental or abusive. I am so grateful to have him as part of my wellness team, and am excited to see what the future brings!”

Theresa D.

“I have been training with Ryan for a couple months now, and the experience has been fantastic. I’m seeing results and I’m pushed farther every session, I feel safe and cared for. This has been a great experience for me coming in with absolutely no work out experience. I’m challenged, pushed and encouraged all while being taught about all the facets of health from diet to exercise and all the things in between. I really just want to give credit to a human that has absolutely changed my life.”

Tony P.


Thank you for considering a fitness membership with Spite Fitness! Embarking on a fitness journey can be as exhilarating as it can be challenging. To support you in navigating these new waters, we’ve compiled a comprehensive list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) about our membership program. Designed to address doubts for both seasoned gym-goers and fitness newcomers, our FAQs aim to offer the essential information you need while deciding on your new fitness adventure.

Our team is dedicated to ensuring your comfort and confidence in joining our program, helping you take control of you health journey. Be assured that if you have any additional questions or concerns, our friendly support team is always available, working to ensure a seamless and enjoyable exerience for you. Dive into our FAQs, get the clarity you need, and embark on a transformational adventure with Spite Fitness today!

If you have any further questions please contact us!

I'm a beginner and am unsure if your program is suitable for me?

Absolutely! Our platform is designed for everybody. We provide step by step guides for each workout, including modifications for beginners or those with limited mobility. Additionally, we have certified trainers available to assist you in creating a personalized plan based on your fitness level and goals.

Do I need any special equipment for the workouts?

While some of our workouts include equipment like hand weights or resistance bands, we also offer plenty of bodyweight exercises. The important thing is to get moving, and we provide routines that can be done anywhere, anytime!

Are there nutritional plans included with my membership?

Yes, our platform is as much about nutrition as it is about fitness. Our team of nutritionists provide healthy meal plans and recipes tailored to your dietary preferences and designed to complement your fitness goals.

What resources are available on the nutrition membership site?

Our nutrition membership site offers a variety of resources, including meal plans, recipes, grocery lists, educational materials, and access to certified nutrition experts. We’re always updating our resources with our new content to ensure that our members have the most up-to-date information on nutrition wellness.

I have dietary restrictions. Will your meal plans cater to that?

Absolutely! We ensure that our meal plans are adaptable to various dietary restrictions including gluten-free, vegan, and other specific dietary needs. Our aim is to make sure you have delicious, nutritious meals that align with your lifestyle and fitness goals.

How Frequently will new content be added?

We constantly add new workouts, recipes, and educational content to our platform. You’ll receive regular updates to ensure your workouts stay fresh and exciting, and your meal plans remain diverse and delicious.

Do I need to commit for a long personal or can i cancel anytime?

We offer flexible memberships and there are no long-term commitments. You can change your plan or cancel at any time; we want you to stay with us because you love our programs, not because you’re locked into a contract.

How can I access the resources on your nutrition membership site?

Accessing our wealth of nutritional resources is simple and user-friendly, even if you’re not tech-savvy. Once you sign up for the membership, you’ll be able to login into your account from any internet-enabled device – whether a computer, smartphone, or tablet. From there, you can access all our meal plans, recipes, nutritional guides, and more. If you ever encounter any challenges, our dedicated customer support team is just a click away to help you navigate.

How do I contact customer support if I have questions or need help?

If you have questions or need help with your membership, you can contact our customer support team by email or through our online contact form. We’re always here to help!

Is this guaranteed?

Yes! If at anytime you are not satisfied with our services feel free to reach out and get a full refund within 30 days of signing up.

At Spite Fitness, we understand that starting a new fitness and nutrition program can be daunting, which is why we offer a 100% money back guarantee membership + you can cancel at any time! We are confident in the effectiveness of our program and want our clients to feel the same way.

Our 100% money back guarantee membership means that if a client is not satisfied with their experience at Spite Fitness within the first 30 days of their membership, we will refund their entire membership fee, no questions asked. In addition to that you are never locked in, you can cancel your memebership at any time! We want our members to feel sure about their decision to join our program and to know that we stand behind our services.

We believe that this guarantee sets us apart from other fitness and nutrition programs and shows our commitment to our clients’ success. We are dedicated to providing high-quality coaching, support, and resources to help our members achieve their health and fitness goals.

I'm Now Down 68 lbs

“I started working with Ryan Nolan, creating a workout and diet plan that was tailored for me that I’ve been sticking to over the past 1 1/2 months. Just being aware of what I’m consuming has really helped. I haven’t cut out things that I want, instead, I’m using portion control to cut out the calories I don’t need, and using awareness to limit what I snack on.

I’m now down 68 lbs and I’m feeling good about it. It’s pretty amazing to think that I’m within 40 pounds of my current goal, and it actually feels attainable.”

– Monk G.

he keeps me in check

“As a chiropractor I highly recommend Ryan as a personal trainer. There are not enough trainers who understand training after coming off an injury. He takes the time to assess and understand where you are physically. He is also extremely knowledgeable when it comes to diet and nutrition. On a personal note, I appreciate how much he keeps me in check and challenges me every week. He is the support I need to keep achieving my personal health goals.”

– Andrea F.

Easygoing and professional

“Ryan is a great personal trainer. He takes you through simple and effective full-body workouts that can be continued at home without the use of expensive gym equipment while explaining in down-to-earth terms the goals of each exercise. He helps locate your weak points and develop a plan to increase your overall body mobility and function. He’s easygoing, professional, and extremely knowledgeable with loads of personal experience to learn from.”

– Becky I.

the workouts are effective

“Spite Fitness has been such a pleasure to work with! He meets you where you are and works within your limits, while also pushing you to do your very best. I had concerns as someone who’s endured fitness injuries in the past, but with him I was always treated with respect and trusted that I was in very good hands. not to mention the workouts are EFFECTIVE – I felt stronger after the first week. 11/10 definitely recommend. 😁👍👍

– Cassidy W.

technique & Intensity

“Ryan has a great setup with everything you need to get your fitness journey started. I have been lifting for years and only recently started working with him. I’ve learned so much about how technique and intensity can help me reach my goals quicker, and so far it shows. We’re still working on my eating habits but at least I have all the tools, support and info to get started. Highly recommend Spite Fitness, he has a hell of a fitness journey himself.”

– Rachel G.

responded within minutes

“When I first reached out to Ryan around late Decemeber 2021, I was hesitant to go through wth the idea of having a personal trainer. I reluctantly reached out to him one evening and he responded within minutes, and before I knew it I had my trial session set up. I’ve been continuing to work with him since. He has been extremely helpful in targeting my lower back injury in a cautious and thoughtful way, and my 3 months working with him has drastically improved the health of my lower back, while also continuing to work on my overall physical health. I highly recommend reaching out to him if you’re in need of a trainer.”

– Connor C.